Monday, November 1, 2010

T minus one month--ONE month-- until i finish beauty school. How did that go by so fast?
And whatever happened to that book I was going to write "Adventures in Beauty School"?? Didn't happen. But lots of wonderful things HAVE happened. And I am t-h-a-n-k-f-u-l.

I made it into Phase 2 (honors program at our school)! We have a fabulous learning leader who keeps us energized, loving hair and constantly learning. We are on the clinic floor from 11-4:30 which gives us more hands on experience. Wonderful! It's been great. I love those's like a little family. :)

I still don't have a job lined up. I want to be deliberate in choosing the right place. I am partly terrified and partly thrilled to get into the real world. We had a reverse career fair at school today and I got to meet some fabulous salon owners, which sort of eased my mind.